Sep 2, 2010

Hello Hong Kong

Made it safe and sound! I'm sitting in my hostel right now which is about the size of a walk in closet (bathroom included). The bathroom IS the shower, so that should be fun for the next couple of months.
I got in to Hong Kong about 6:30pm Hong Kong time, took the 'Airport Express' to the Hong Kong Central Metro Station. This is where I met Mandy, the other intern from Ocean Park. We then went to the main hostel so I could check in. From there a staff member took us in a taxi to the hostel I am staying in located in Causeway Bay. Of course he brought the wrong key, so he couldn't open my door. He said he would another staff member on the next shift over with the correct key. Well 2 hours later I finally got my key and into my room. So here I am at 1:50am Hong Kong time not able to sleep because it is 1:00 in the afternoon in Minnesota.
The city is really big and overwhelming. It is like New York but a hundred times more intense. There are so many shops and people crammed into such a small area. Lucky almost all the signs are in English as well as Chinese.One thing that I am going to have to get used to is that they drive on the other side of the street. Must be because it was a British Territory.
Tomorrow I will be making my way to Ocean Park to meet the staff I will be working with. Wish me luck!

I already miss my friends and family! Good thing my hostel has free WiFi :)

Love, Kels

1 comment:

  1. Kelsey!! you're going to have such an adventure! I really hope that everyone at Ocean Park is great, I can't wait to hear about it!! I am really excited that you have free WiFi, that will be so great!

    miss and love youuuu!
