Sep 6, 2010

First Day of Work!

Sunday was dedicated to site seeing and tourism :) I spent the morning walking around and trying to get myself with the area I live. I walked around a place near my building called Victoria Park. It is kind of like Central Park in that it is a park in the middle of a huge urban city.
In the afternoon I met up with Mandy to explore Hong Kong Island a bit further. We rode the trolley from causeway bay until the end. We rode on top so I could see each area of Hong Kong Island as we drove by. At the end we got off and took a bus around to some of the beaches on Hong Kong Island. We ended up staying at Stanley Beach for awhile. It is a very touristy place, but also very pretty and open. A nice break from the crowded, busy city.

Today (Monday) was my first official day at work at Ocean Park! It was busy but a lot of fun. Here is a link to a YouTube video of research similar to ours.
Tonight I went out to dinner and a movie with Mandy and Ken (another employee at Ocean Park). I again had soup noodles, which I learned how to say in Cantonese. I have learned how to say several things in Cantonese, like 'excuse me/thank you' 'no meat' 'instant noodles' 'good morning' and 'bathroom'. Mandy says she is very impressed with my pronunciation :) She is also impressed with how well I use chop sticks! I also tried Dim Sum for the first time tonight and really liked it.
The longer I am here the more I like it. So I'm finally settling in. Although I still wouldn't mind a larger room . . .

Love, Kels


  1. Kelsey!! I'm so glad you are settling in! It sounds like things are going well. I'm so proud of you for traveling so far and making the best of it. I mean, I knew you could do it but I'm still impressed! This is such a unique experience, it's really amazing. Cantonese is a very useful language as well so that is pretty cool, so many people in the world speak it. Anyway, this was a great post to read because it really sounds like you're getting your footing!
    love and miss youuuuuuuuu

  2. Amazing! Every time the room seems small you could just take another ride on the top of the bus out to the beach---i can already hear your heart and soul and mind stretching. Enjoy. we are praying and rooting for you.
