Aug 30, 2010

Good Bye America

Well, this is it. I leave for Hong Kong in less than 48 hours! It all happened so quickly and I still feel like I have so much to do before I leave. Still have to finish my vet school applications, pack, go to the bank and get Hong Kong dollars, and pick up a few more things from the store.
My journey on Wednesday and Thursday is going to be a long one. I leave Minnesota at about 6:13AM on Wednesday morning. I then have a lay over in Denver and San Fransisco. From San Fransisco I have a 14hr flight to Hong Kong. My flight arrives the next day , Thursday Sept 2nd at 6pm. From there I will have to get to my hostel with the help of Mandy, the other intern working with me at Ocean Park.
On Friday, Saturday, and Sunday my plan is to go pick up my work visa from the Immigration Department in Wan Chai, figure out the best way to get to Ocean Park everyday, pick up some essentials, and familiarize myself with my city.
Just checked the weather for the next week in Hong Kong. It is supposed to be 90 degrees everyday with 60% chance of rain. Great. Guess I'll have to pick up some rain boots . . .
Obviously I am getting very excited to go, but am also a little bit nervous. Being in such a foreign place (literally) for 6 months is going to stressful but I know it will be the experience of a life time.
I will try and post pictures and links as much as possible. Right now there are links to Ocean Park and a description of the research I will be doing on the upper right hand side of my page.
I am going to miss you all!
Love, Kels